• Crazy Science Lab

    ‘Whizz! Pop! Wow!’ Science is fun, practical and amazing. Children take part in colourful and practical experiments with a focus on the chemical and physical reactions. The series is designed to inspire curiosity, inquisitiveness and a love for all things science.

    Suitable for children aged 6 to 10 years old.

  • Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

    Problem solving skills are essential for learning & life. Children learn to ‘think outside the box’ in order to find creative solutions. They complete fun puzzles & challenges; applying knowledge, patience & determination. Think code-cracking, optical illusions & mystery solving.

    Suitable for all children looking for a fun challenge.

  • Creative Writing & Storytelling

    The best writers capture our attention because they are able to create movie-style imagery in our minds. Children will learn a series of skills to create this imagery in the minds of readers - bringing their ideas to life. This includes character design, descriptive story settings & developing fun and creative plots.

    Best suited to children who are fluent English speakers.

  • A Fun Maths Boost

    Maths is so much easier when we know the tricks, & there are plenty of them! By applying a ‘magic twist’ to maths learning, children learn & remember mental number facts. Think playing-card tricks, vanishing & reappearing numbers, ‘mind reading’ & discovering patterns.

    Designed to build & consolidate foundation numbers skills.


Primary ages (dependant on which workshop). Max 8 children per group.


Our workspace in Quartier des Serres, Domaine de Labourdonnais, Mapou


Workshops are held throughout the year. Contact us to find out more.

  • "Thank you for the amazing experience! Please count us in for the next workshop."

    Jenny Kirkova - Parent (Mauritius)

  • "Tej came home so excited about 'giving life' to his story, as he said. Thank you so much!"

    Ushma Singh - Parent (Mauritius)

  • "I loved everything about this workshop!"

    TS - Student Aged 8 (Mauritius)

  • "My children are always so excited to go to these workshops & I see just how much they learn."

    HT - Parent (Mauritius)

  • "My son has been animating non-stop since the workshop. He's inspired!"

    TLW - Parent (Mauritius)

  • "I'm sad the workshop is finished. When is the next one?"

    DK - Student Aged 7 (Mauritius)